Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Gordon Campbell Says He Stepped Down For the Good of BC

The premiere of BC has decided to step down as party leader when his party has chosen someone to replace him.  He says that his decision was based on the fact that despite making several accomplishments for BC, people there seem to be more focussed on him, instead.  He listed his accomplishments as being tax cuts, early childhood development.  All discussions in the province were about him.  His resignation was about getting the focus back on the province and his party.  There was absolutely no pressure to quit.  Despite his personal popularity dropping into the single-digit regime over the HST issue.  About which, he claims he did a very poor job of selling it to the public but that there was absolutely no attempt to pull one over.  He will stay on to ease the transition to a new leader.

This is man who despite all good intentions and an effort to do good, was met with adversity.  He was looking for a way to get out of a bad situation.  His solution was to dump all of his problems off onto someone else.

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